Tag Archives: mike will made it

Friend Of Miley Cyrus And Rihanna Says They Love A Joint!

Friend Of Miley Cyrus And Rihanna Says They Love A Joint! YELLO

Lets put it this ways lots of stars love to smoke Weed but according to Rihanna and Miley Cyrus’ friend Mike Will Made It they are completely in love with the stuff.

Mike was on Hot 97 an during the interview he admitted that the girls are massive fans of a joint.

Talking on the radio show he said:

“To tell you the truth, not too many people have been around Miley [when she smokes]… But I’ve been around her and she’ll roll a blunt this fat… Rihanna rolls blunts too… But you know what it is? Rihanna rolls blunts. I don’t really smoke blunts. I smoke papers. Miley rolls papers, you know what I’m saying?”

 Very funny.

It looks like Rihanna has been caught out.