Tag Archives: antibiotics

Miley Cyrus Hits Out At Critics As She Says She Didn’t Do A Drugs Overdose When She Was Ill

Miley Cyrus Hits Out At Critics As She Says She Didn’t Do A Drugs Overdose When She Was Ill

As you may know a few weeks back Miley Cyrus was ill and in hospital for a week.

Well now rumours have been flying around saying that she did a drug overdoes and that’s why she was in hospital.

Well now the singer has hit out at the sources and said that she did not have a overdose.

At a a press conference at O2 Arena in London on Tuesday Miley admitted:

“You have no idea how ready I am. There is nothing I would rather not do than lay in a bed for two weeks. It was the most miserable two weeks of my life.”

Since being ill Miley is do everything she can to stay in tip top condition as she carried on in saying:

“I didn’t have a drug overdose. I took some sh**y antibiotics that a doctor gave me for a sinus infection and I had a reaction… I’m probably the only one on this tour who doesn’t drink or smoke before a show, as I take this really seriously. It’s almost like being an athlete being up here, because if someone was f**ed up, they definitely couldn’t do my show.”

It’s good to know that she is back on her feet and feeling good again.