Tag Archives: save

Kristen Stewart Flys To Australia To Save Her Relationship With Robert Pattinson?!

Kristen Stewart Flys To Australia To Save Her Relationship With Robert Pattinson?!

By the sounds of things the rumours that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are not true!

Kristen has now reportedly flown to Australia to be with her man while he films his new movie.

A insider has said:

“Kristen is planning to travel to Australia to see Robert, she’s missing him incredibly. She thinks his interest in their reconciliation is waning the longer they’re apart – so Kristen’s trying to save what they have left.

Their relationship is hanging by a thread, so she thinks that visiting him in Oz may help them stay together. That said, I think she may be clinging on to something that isn’t what she actually thinks it was.”

Rob is filming David Michôd‘s The Rover, and it’s clear that Kristen just want to see her baby.

Prince William Brought In 2013 By Saving A Life!

Prince William Brought In 2013 By Saving A Life!

Prince Williams spent his new year’s eve away from Kate Middleton but in the end he saved a mans life.

The royal took part in a search and rescue mission from RAF Valley in Anglesey where he helped the Sea King crew members to looks for a man who was swept into the sea by the wind.

It all started when the man was walking his dog with a friend and the wind was so strong it pulled the two men in the sea.

The friend managed to get himself out of the water and call to say that his friend was missing.

When Prince William and the other members of the team where looking for the missing man the winds got to strong so they decided to call off the search.

But then today the search was back on and there still has been no news if the man has been found or not.